Thursday, June 26, 2008

Self Protection and Safety~

The following information is from Sergeant Diane Vanderkooy. You should remember Sergeant Vanderkooy from the Abe's Army orientation when she spoke about self defense. Sergeant Vanderkooy did offer to come meet again with the group if interested.


1. Don't wear headsets. Use your ears to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
2. Carry change for a phone-call or carry a small cell phone on you.
3. Always run with a partner or with a dog.
4. Write down or leave word of the direction of your run. Tell friends and family of your favorite running routes so they can find you,(leave running routes on a card placed on you fridge).
5. Run in familiar areas. Know where telephones are, or open businesses or stores. Alter or vary your route.
6. Stay alert. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are. Expand your view to the left/right and look behind you at times, jog backwards for a few steps- its good for you too.
7. Avoid unpopulated areas, deserted streets, and overgrown trails. Especially avoid unlit areas at night.
8. Carry an ID or write your name, phone number, and blood type on the inside sole of your running shoe. Include medical information.
9. Ignore verbal harassment. Look directly at others and be observant, but keep your distance and keep moving.
10. Run against traffic so you can observe approaching automobiles.
11. Wear reflective material if you run before dawn or after dark.
12. Use your intuition about a person or an area. React on your intuitions and listen to your gut.
The number one rule in personal protection is to TRUST YOUR GUT. There is no better protection than that little feeling you get when things aren't quite right. Go with that feeling when it hits you and you will avoid many potentially dangerous situations.
13. Practice memorizing license tags or identifying characteristics of strangers. Gives you something to do on your runs too!
14. Carry a personal alarm and or pepper spray. Get training in self-defense and the use of pepper spray.
15. Call police immediately if something happens to you or someone else, don't be afraid to call - your safety may rely on it!

A woman’s chances are 1 in 10 to become a victim of sexual assault. It’s a sad truth in society today. Numbers are much higher within certain age groups & college students. Common sense is your best self defense against attack. Because every rape or assault is different, there is no one perfect deterrent against being a victim. Authorities recommend carrying a self defense Pepper Spray when available. If you are attacked always fight back and look for ways to escape. This is ALWAYS better than being taken somewhere. Stats show out of all the crimes involving women, those who fought back or stayed in semi public places faired better than those who were abducted and taken. Do anything you can to get away. Some women have avoided rape by talking their way out of it or fighting back. A kick in the groin works wonders. Always remember that your priority is to escape.

ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings . Just keep an eye out around you and TRUST YOUR GUT. If it does not feel right, it probably isn't. Keep your head up, walk confidently, and do not make things easy for the crook. Keep valuables tucked away. Do not flash cash when paying for merchandise. Be careful when and where you wear expensive jewelry. These things all scream "pick me" to a thief. Park in well-lit areas with lots of traffic around . Most criminals do not like to make a scene and will avoid busy locations. By parking near busy entry/exit points wherever you are, you are adding an undesirable element to the equation for the bad guy.Have your keys ready when going to your car. Taking time at the side of your car looking for keys is time the thug can approach you without you knowing it (remember your surroundings). If you have a panic alarm on your vehicle, familiarize yourself with how it works BEFORE you go out and need it in a crisis. Be ready to press that button if you need to. Scan the area before you exit your vehicle and as you walk back to it. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable, change accordingly. Either use another entrance/exit, wait until the situation resolves itself. If that means that you cannot get back to your car, contact security or the police for assistance. If you feel that you are being followed, go to a busy place or the nearest police station. The more witnesses you can put yourself in the middle of, the less likely the criminal will act. Try to get a good description of who is following you if it is safe to do so. Enroll in a reputable self-defense course, Contact your local police for suggestions in your area. Make sure that after you take the class, you practice the techniques. Remember, there are no rules or time outs. It is much better to let the bad guy get your property than to lose your life.

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