Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Privates~Were announcements better last night?

Master Sergeant Jan speaks regarding announcements:

I know there are those of you that do not want announcements prior to leaving for your run/walk. I wish we didn't have to have them myself. However, it's a necessary evil. Last week two Sergeants pulled what they thought was their group away before announcements. What they actually did was take part of the group. They left the other part of their group and one of the leaders, leaving that leader alone. Fortunately we had enough "floats" to help out. Right now folks don't really know each other well enough to know if they're all present and accounted for. Plus, the group that left early went into the cemetery.

Five or ten minutes to get our groups covered shouldn't really make that huge of an impact on your run/walk. The blog is great but face to face communication has it's value, also.

As stated before, I'd love to do away with announcements (and we are aware that this is the biggest complaint) but I see no alternatives as communication is key in relaying information.

Was last night better? We started on time, the mic was working and the information was covered quickly.


Anonymous said...

hi jan, i thought the announcements went great

Anonymous said...

did anyone have trouble with some teenage boys on eastman? they were coming up a little too close screaming at us in sort of like a boot camp mentality. it was a little unsettling. if i wouldn't have been with so many people i would have been afraid. i won't be running there on my own from now on. its a shame

Anne B said...

They were hanging around the water stop at Monument and Eastman. It was kind of funny because they were getting cocky about challenging some of the leaders to a race, then they found out how FAR the groups were running and kind of shut up...

Anonymous said...

If we have problems with them next time, I will take care of them. This is Bill, and they are probably harmless, but we'll see.

Anne B said...

Thanks Bill!

TMH said...

Announcements were much better last night. I think asking the sergeants to check in with Mary prior to announcements is a big help. The processes have been great this guys have done a fantastic job! Thanks !

Chris E said...

I have to say thanks for starting the announcements on time this week.