Thursday, August 21, 2008

Time Limit Clarification regarding ShoreLine~

This is directly from Bruce Bennett, the Director of the Shoreline Classic regarding the 12 minute per mile time limit. This reply should clear up any question regarding runners who are unable to maintain a 12 minute mile pace.

So all speeds are welcome to give Advanced Abe's a try and continue on with the Shoreline Classic.

For the 15K – They will start at 7:30 and close the finish timing (although they will leave the finish line set up) at approx. 9:15 am. The biggest challenge they face is that the last 2 miles are on a main artery ( Lost Bridge over the lake) into Decatur (and St. Mary’s hospital) and the city only allows them to keep it closed for so long. However, they will not (and never will as long as Bruce is the race director) escort participants off the course. They do request participants move onto the sidewalk so the bridge can be opened, and they have never had any complaints.

1 comment:

Chazter said...

After watching the Mens Beach Volleyball Olympics, I saw an actual commercial promoting the Shoreline Classic. Whoa...a race promoted on a local channel! I think I even saw a few Kenyans and even some local runners i.e. Billy O.