Tuesday, August 12, 2008

FAQs for Race Day~

Following are some common questions about what to expect this weekend. This list is by no means all inclusive, so feel free to post a question or ask your leader.

When is Packet Pickup? Athleticare (next to Fit Club South) on Saturday, August 16, from noon to 5. 3631 South Sixth Street.

What's in the Packet? Your race packet will contain your race shirt, your timing chip, your number bib, and assortment of goodies donated by sponsors.

I am not sure if the chip will be in your actual packet. You may have to pick your chip up at a separate table during packet pick up.


What do I do with the bib? You can either safety pin the number bib to the front of your shirt or shorts. It's important to have your number facing front for identification purposes.

Tip: Don't pin the bib to both shirt and shorts, this complicates things in the restroom.

Should I wear the shirt at the race? Race tradition has it that you do not wear the race shirt during the race. If you want to change into a dry shirt afterwards, that's acceptable. (ok, so it's a bizarre rite of passage --- I can only guess that the idea is that you have to earn the right to wear the shirt.). For next year's race, wear your shirt from this year. People will know you are a veteran.

What's all this about Chip Timing? At packet pick up, you will pick up a small plastic microchip. It will either be affixed to an ankle strap, or on a sturdy plastic string that is attached to your shoelace. It is very important to make sure that you wear your chip on race day. When the race starts, you pass over a "pad" that reads the signal from the chip and records your start time. There's another pad at the finish line. Chips are collected after you cross the finish line. If you see someone coming at you with scissors aimed toward your foot, don't panic, it's just a volunteer collecting your chip. If you lose your chip, there is a charge to replace it, so don't walk off with it still tied to your shoe (this happens a lot!).


What time should I get there? The race starts at 7:30, so you should be lined up and ready to go no later than 7:15. I recommend arriving one hour prior to start time. This allows for parking, stretching, bathroom, chip pick up/packet pick up if not done the day before, etc... You might want to jog a little beforehand to get warmed up (don't overdo it!). Line up according to how you might finish. For example, if you think you will finish in the middle of the pack, find a spot in the middle. Slower runners should move toward the rear. This keeps you from getting trampled, which is not a good thing.

The race starts and ends in front of the Grandstand.

Parking: Everyone must enter the Fairgrounds through Gate 8, off of 5th street, west side of grounds.

Do I need to carry water? No, there will be tables at various points along the course with volunteers who will hand you water.

Results: http://www.onlineraceresults.com/

Volunteers are needed for Friday night packet stuffing, Saturday packet pick up, and race day. Please contact Tim Marker at tdbp4@insightbb.com.


Jackie said...

Thanks, Holly for making these lists! They help calm the nreves! One other question -- which lot should we park in?

Holly said...

You can still park in lot 21 but that lot will probably fill up quickly. There is also a large area (?lot)that is west of all of the activities/west of the 8th street road/south of conservation world. Just follow the cars! Please stay away from the Grandstand area.

Anonymous said...

Does my family need to pay to get into the fairgrounds on Sunday morning?

Holly said...

Everyone is free since it is so early in the morning :)