Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Second Annual Heroes Run For Hope:

Remember, SRRC members get to take the $1 discount!Register at www.getmeregistered.com - search for 'heros' or use this link: https://secure.getmeregistered.com/register.php?event_id=2624&c=
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Abe's Army Finishers Medals:

Abe’s Army Leaders:
At the conclusion of Abe’s Amble Race, Abe’s leaders were given medals to present to their recruits. In an effort to reach as many recruits as possible, some leaders may have ended up with extra medals that were not distributed. Please email me at wildrose@springnet1.com if you have extra medals. We can make arrangements for medal pick up. We would like to get the medals out to the recruits who have not received theirs for a great finish!
Thank you for all of your volunteer services. Our recruits met their goals because of your dedication.
Abe's Army Recruits:
The Abe’s Army committee cannot be more proud of our runners, walkers, run/walkers, and race walkers who had accomplished their 13 week goal. The 13 weeks passed quickly, new friends were formed, and all the effort put forth during those training weeks was worth every bit of effort. Congratulations to each and every one of our Abe’s Army finishers. We are so proud of you!
August 29th/Saturday Run:
Come join us as we run from Panera to Washington Park and back, and enjoy breakfast afterwards. Water stops are marked on the route (Washington Park water fountain, cooler placed near BlockBuster Video). The course is slightly under 7.5 miles and you should be running at a pace in which you can carry on a conversation. Run at your own pace - relax and enjoy the run.
We run rain or shine or heat (but not in thunder/lightening).
Here's the link to the route: http://www.usatf.org/routes/view.asp?rID=198291
Mary R.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Triple Crown:

A challenge to all Abe’s Army participants…
Hey Abe’s Army participants, are you wondering what to do now that summer is coming to an end? Well, since we want you to keep on running, the SRRC Triple Crown is back for its second year! Let’s start with some Derby history before we go over our rules:
The Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing consists of three races for three-year-old thoroughbred horses. In the United States, the Triple Crown consists of the:
Kentucky Derby, run over 1 and 1/4 miles (2.01 km) at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky.
Preakness Stakes, run over 1 and 3/16 miles (1.91 km) at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, Maryland.
Belmont Stakes, run over 1 and 1/2 miles (2.41 km) at Belmont Park in Elmont, New York.
The Triple Crown starts with The Kentucky Derby on the first Saturday of May. The Preakness follows two weeks later. The Belmont Stakes is three weeks after The Preakness in early June. Winning all three of these thoroughbred horse races is considered the greatest accomplishment of a thoroughbred racehorse.
Based on this illustrious history, the SRRC has developed its own Triple Crown.
The rules are simple...
1) You must be an Abe's Army participant. You can be a new or returning Private, Corporal, or Sergeant.
2) You must have completed the 2009 Abe's Amble (10K/6.2 miles).
3) You must complete the 2009 Shoreline Classic (15K/9.3 miles) and be running it for the first time.
4) You must complete the 2009 Frostbite Classic (10 miles) and be running it for the first time.
After completing all three races, each individual will receive an award and there will be a drawing for additional prizes.
All you need to do is let me know anytime before November 1, 2009 that you are completing or hoping to complete the above mentioned races.
Please contact me by email at dahlquist2000@yahoo.com if you’re interested in this challenge or should you have any questions.
13 runners became Triple Crown winners last year, and you can do it, too. We hope you’ll give it a try.
Holly Dahlquist
Monday, August 24, 2009
What to do next?
Just GO!
1. Go faster: - Check out the SRRC website for upcoming races including the Havana Polka Run 5K (September 12th) and the Hero's Run for Hope 5 Mile Race (October 3rd) and the always popular Canal Connection 10K in Utica (November 1st).
2. Go longer: Train for another race in the SRRC points series. The Shoreline Classic, a 15K Race held in Decatur on September 20th, is a great way to continue on after Abe's Army.
Informal group runs will be held:
- Saturday, August 29 (7.5 miles)
- September 5th (if leader is available - 9 miles)
- September 12th (8 miles - for those not participating in the Havana Polka Run 5K).
Training doesn't cost anything - no shirts, no groups, run at your own pace - routes and water provided - stay tuned to http://www.abesarmy.blogspot.com/ for details.
Race details and to register for the race go to http://www.shorelineclassic.com/.
Training for the Frostbite Festival 10 miler, another SRRC classic, will begin in October (http://www.frost-toes.blogspot.com/).
*I will be posting information tomorrow regarding the 2nd Annual Triple Crown Event!
Are you ready for the challenge?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Can you believe how far you've come since orientation back in May? Many of you started with minimal or zero mileage and now you have completed 6.2 miles! You should be very proud of what you have accomplished.
It was a beautiful and perfect day for a race. Can you believe the temperature? The course was great (as always), the water stops and course marshall's were energetic and well staffed, and it was great running down Grandstand Avenue hearing the cheers of the crowd. Race director, Anne Armitage deserves a standing ovation!
This has been a great summer and I have really enjoyed seeing and meeting such fabulous people. It also was great seeing close friends become "runners". Cherish the friendships that you have made as they may be your running partners forever.
Don't stop now, it has only just begun! Take a few days off, pick another goal, and keep on running. You are now a runner and officially a member of our great running family.
Stay tuned! Tomorrow-we will offer you some new goals!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Abe's Proclamation.
-Thomas King, Novelist and Broadcaster
Friday, August 21, 2009
Dove Conference Center
St. John's Hospital
619 E. Mason Street
Saturday, August 22nd
12:00-4:00 PM
Race day from 6:15 to 7:15 a.m. in the Bud Tent.
The most recent SRRC newsletter states that packet pick-up is from 4 to 7 on Saturday. That is incorrect. The correct time is from 12 to 4.
Run Red/Red Cross Information:
Peter Tosh will be set up Sunday morning behind the race registration table. You can turn in any pledges that you have raised at that time and also pick up your Run Red jersey as well (arrangements can be made if you'd like to pick the jersey up later).
Thanks to all of you on behalf of those you help. They don't know who makes our assistance possible, but we do.
Finally, Peter Tosh will be drawing the winner for the Fort Lauderdale stay at the end of the race.
Pace Chart:
Abe's Proclamation:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Race Day Checklist:
*Running shirt
*Race number pinned to the front of your shirt
*Running shoes
*Chip attached to your shoe (timing device)
*Sport watch
*Food/energy bar, etc...
*Race day instructions
*Change of clothes
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Amble is almost here!
Packet Pick-up:
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Noon to 4:00pm
Prairie Heart Institute
Dove Center (St. John's Hospital)
619 E. Mason, Springfield, IL
Packet Pick-up is also available on Sunday, RACE DAY, from 6:15am – 7:15am.
Your race packet will contain your race shirt, your number bib, and assortment of goodies donated by sponsors.
You will have to pick your chip up at a separate table during packet pick up or in the morning.
What is Chip Timing? At packet pick up or on race morning, you will pick up a small plastic microchip. It will either be affixed to an ankle strap, or on a sturdy plastic string that is attached to your shoelace. It is very important to make sure that you wear your chip on race day. When the race starts, you pass over a "pad" that reads the signal from the chip and records your start time. There's another pad at the finish line. Chips are collected after you cross the finish line. If you see someone coming at you with scissors aimed toward your foot, don't panic, it's just a volunteer collecting your chip. If you lose your chip, there is a charge to replace it, so don't walk off with it still tied to your shoe (this happens a lot!).
Get to the fairgrounds early on Sunday. Traffic can be very heavy and you do not want to be sitting in your car when the race starts at 7:30am!! Enter through Gate 8. Gate 11 will only be open until 6:45am. Sangamon Avenue will then be closed in preparation for the race.The race starts at 7:30, so you should be lined up and ready to go no later than 7:15. I recommend arriving one hour prior to start time. This allows for parking, stretching, bathroom, chip pick up/packet pick up if not done the day before, etc... You might want to jog a little beforehand to get warmed up (don't overdo it!). Line up according to how you might finish. For example, if you think you will finish in the middle of the pack, find a spot in the middle. Slower runners should move toward the rear. This keeps you from getting trampled, which is not a good thing. Walkers,please line up behind the runners at the Start Line. The race starts and ends in front of the Grandstand.
Abe's Amble participants are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to pick up their packets on Saturday to avoid the scramble of race day pick up at the Illinois State Fair.
All Abe's Army participants and leaders are already registered for the race. You can confirm your registration at Get Me Registered!https://secure.getmeregistered.com/get_information.php?event_id=2284
Results will be posted within a few hours of the race being completed at the following site: http://onlineraceresults.com/event/view_event.php?event_id=3996
For safety reasons, running with pets, headphones and strollers is strictly prohibited. Violators will be disqualified.
*Volunteers are still needed!*
Volunteers are needed to assist with:
- Start/finish lines (bring your family & friends).
- Directing traffic at intersections (bring your family & friends).
- Packet stuffing (this is done on 8/21 4-7PM)-bring yourself, your family, and your friends).
- Packet pick up (this is done 8/22)-bring yourself, your family, and your friends.
- Clean up (volunteers needed after 9:30 am)-you will be celebrating but we will still take your family and friends.
All volunteers will receive free admission to the fair and free parking. Students can earn service hours. Volunteers on race day are requested to be there by 7:00am--unless wanting to help with packet stuffing/pick-up or race day tent clean-up.
Volunteers should call/email:
Chris Guzzardo 787-6899 guzz2121@comcast.net
Cheryl Davis 341-8559 cheryld411@yahoo.com
Mental Preparation for a Personal Best.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Abe's Proclamation
-Amby Burfoot, The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life
Any final questions, thoughts, concerns? Excited? Apprehensive?
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Picnic is a GO!!!
The committee will have the picnic available beginning at 6:30 p.m. this evening at our regular Monday night gathering place at Lincoln Park Shelter.
If by chance you decide not to run this evening, please stop by and enjoy the picnic!
Week 12:
Monday (August 17):
P-4 miles
C-4 miles
*Everyone to meet at Lincoln Park! Arrive early as parking is limited!
*Reminder- The Army Picnic will follow the run.
Tuesday (August 18):
Wednesday (August 19):
P-2-2.5 miles
C-3-3.5 miles
Thursday (August 20):
P-1-2 miles
C-2-3 miles
Friday (August 21):
Saturday (August 22):
Sunday (August 23):
Abe's Amble 10K
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Fun at the Fair:

1. Photo of person in running clothes one size to small
2. Photo at Petting Zoo
3. Photo of Butter cow
4. Photo of person in socks and sandals, mullet or Mohawk (bonus entry if you get 2 in 1)
5. Photo of kid on a leash
6. Photo at Ethnic Village
7. Corndog Stick
8. Piece of taffy
9. A free fan
10. A bumper sticker
11. Must see Space art across from Lincoln Stage
12. Bonus- find and photograph of yourself with NO RUNNING signs – hint in carnival area/rides
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Helpful Race Day Hints:
Never wear brand new clothes - you never know if there's a hidden seam that may rub you the wrong way.
If you are accustomed to eating before exercise, eat light approximately 2 hours before the race.
Start hydrating before the race, i.e. 8 to 12 ounces per hour and continue during and after the race. Take water at the water stop. It’s normal to walk and drink and then resume a running/jogging pace. After the race, drink sport drinks that can be used to replace the loss of electrolytes and carbohydrates.
All fitness levels are welcomed. You may run, walk or do a run/walk combination.It’s important not to try anything new on race day that you haven’t tried as part your regular exercise regime.
Cross the finish line and keep moving! Don’t just stop and stand there. Walk through the finish chute, have your chip removed from your shoe, and keep walking.
Walk to the water table. Take some water and DRINK it!!! Continue walking as part of your cool-down for at least 15 minutes. Movement keeps your muscles contracting and assists blood circulation and will reduce post-race muscle soreness.
After you have adequately cooled-down by walking, remember to stretch. Your legs will thank you!
REGISTER FOR ANOTHER RACE~Even after a successful race, it is common for runners to feel a bit down upon completion. Some runners feel lost after completing a goal. The best way to avoid this phenomenon is to set another goal. Register for another race, or try a race of a different distance, or a destination race. There is a lot of variety available to keep you interested for a VERY long time!
Information obtained from the Track Shack, Orlando, Florida, "Runner 101".
Friday, August 14, 2009
Parade Run was a success!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Pictures, pictures, and more pictures...

*Kids Run with Uncle Jack
*Sizzling Mile
*More from Women's Distance Festival
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Parade Run info:

What to do after the race:
by Matt Fitzgerald
RoadRunner Sports
"Every finish line is also a start line for recovery, that is, and for your preparations for the next race. What you do in the minutes, hours, and days after completing any race will determine just how quickly you get your legs back and return to regular training. Doing the right things will make racing minimally disruptive to your overall training program, whereas doing the wrong things could spoil your next race by setting back your training or even resulting in illness or injury."
"Just what are the "right things"? Let's take a look.."
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
SRRC is Going to the Fair!

pre”amble” fun.
What: Abe’s Pre- Amble Race Scramble/Scavenger Hunt.
Where: Bud Light Tent and then traveling.
When: August 15th.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Week 11:
Monday (August 10):
P-4.5 miles
C-4.5 miles
Tuesday (August 11):
Cross train
Wednesday (August 12):
P-2-2.5 miles
C-3-3.5 miles
*Kids Run at the track with Uncle Jack
(No adult run tonight)
Sacred Heart Griffin track
Registration is from 5:20 - 5:50 p.m.
Starting time 6:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Thursday (August 13):
P-2.5 miles
C-3.5 miles
Everyone should definitely not miss the 2 mile Parade Run! This event is a must do! Open to everyone (runners, walkers, race-walkers)! The race starts at 5:30 PM and runs along the same route as the Twilight Parade. The starting line is in front of the Ethnic Village.
Friday (August 14):
Saturday (August 15):
P-5 miles
C-5 miles
Sunday (August 16):
C-Cross train
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Abe's Proclamation:
-Author Unknown
Saturday, August 08, 2009
More Race Day Manners!
Updated: December 27, 2007
When you enter an event - be it a charity walk, a fun run/walk, a half marathon or marathon - your behavior is important. Know the basic rules of race etiquette before you cross the starting line.
1. Line Up in the Correct Pace Group:If the event has different pace groups set up at the start, get into the correct one. You may think you gain something by starting closer to the front than your pace would allow, instead you will become an obstacle.
2. Do Not Walk More Than 2 Abreast:
The biggest complaint you will hear from other participants is difficulty in getting around a group of walkers or runners. The simple rule is - no more than 2 abreast. Even if you start off at the back of the pack, you can be assured there is somebody behind you getting angrier and angrier that they can't easily pass you. If you are part of a charity group, please educate the others in your group that you need to walk no more than 2 abreast at all times during the event.
3. Allow Yourself to Get Passed:
Be aware of people who want to pass you. You will be correct if you just assume that somebody always wants to pass you, so leave room to allow them to pass on the left. If they ask to pass on the right with a "Passing on the Right" then keep your arms in and let them pass on the right.
4. Don't Pass Somebody and then Slow Down Right in Front of Them:
Run/walkers are the biggest culprits in this. I swear that they use me as a target. They run up to me, veer in front of me and then slow to a snail's pace. Remember that the folks behind you do not slow down when you do. Never race ahead of someone unless you continue to check that you are still going faster than them and continuing to gain distance on them.
5. Pull to the Side if You Must Stop:
If you have a shoe problem, get a phone call, want to take a photo, etc. you must move completely to the side of the course and ensure you are not blocking anyone. If possible, step off the course and onto the sidewalk or grass. Do not stop near the start of a race or you will risk being trampled and tripping others.
6. Move Through the Water Stops:
The proper way to grab water at an aid station is to do it at a steady pace, on the move, and pull completely through the aid station. If you need to stop, go all of the way off the side of the course to do so. Do not stop within the aid station. Even at smaller events, take your water and move to the side if you plan to chat with the volunteers. Watch where you fling your cup after using it so you don't toss it on racers approaching you from the side.
7. Move Predictably and Keep Your Arms to Yourself:
Try to move predictably rather than weaving and veering into other people. Don't fling your arms out suddenly - someone may be trying to pass you and get clotheslined.
8. Don't be a Hog at the Feeding Stations:
There are other, slower people behind you. Take only what you need at that moment. Above all, don't cart off a box of goodies from the finish unless and until you are the absolute last finisher, and everybody else is out of the finish area and the medical tent. That food is for others, not just for you, and for today only.
9. Spit Happens - Don't Share It:
If you need to spit, or vomit, or toss anything liquid, try to pull to the side and ensure you aren't projecting onto somebody else.
10. Portajohn Line Courtesy:
Somebody in line behind you is desperate for that portajohn. If there is a line, line up close to the doors and keep paying attention to a portajohn being vacated - don't delay the others in line by dithering or being distracted. If you're going to hand stuff to a friend or put it outside the door, do that or plan for that before you are at the head of the line, so you are ready to race into the john. Allow others with greater need to go first if they look desperate. Do not complain about "smelly portajohns." We love all portajohns. We think the world needs more portajohns. Tell that to the race director for planning for next year. It's best to carry your own toilet paper or Kleenex and hand sanitizer as the portajohn may be out of those.
Friday, August 07, 2009
How Safe Do You Feel on the Roads:
Click link to participate:For an upcoming feature story on running and road safety, Runner’s World is conducting the following survey. Please take a few minutes to provide your answers.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
With Abe's Amble being less then three weeks away...It's time for some "Rules of the Road".
If you're new to running in road races, you may not be familiar with some of the rules – both stated and unwritten.
Pay for Your Spot:
Running in a race you haven't entered, also called "banditting", is not fair to race organizers, volunteers, and especially the people who have paid to participate.
Line Up Properly:
(Side-note~This is probably the number one pet peeve).
Nothing is more annoying to a runner at the start of a race than having to weave around slower runners after the gun goes off. Faster runners should line up at the front of the starting line, slower runners and walkers at the back. Some races have corrals based on estimated pace or post pace signs. If not, ask runners nearby their anticipated pace, and if it’s faster than yours, move further back. Most races use timing chips, so the time it takes you to reach the starting line won’t count in your final net time.
Don't Jingle:
Don't carry loose change or a set of keys in your pocket. They'll annoy those who are running near you.
Don't Take Up the Whole Road:
If you're running with a group, try not to run more than two abreast, so others can pass you.
Show Appreciation to Volunteers:
Say "Thank You!" to race volunteers who hand you water or put your medal around your neck. They're volunteering their time and the race would not be successful without them.
Thank Supporters, Too:
Acknowledge supporters who cheer for you as you pass them. If you're too tired to say "thanks," show them a smile, wave, or give them a thumbs up. It will make them feel good and encourage them to keep rooting for others.
Be Careful at Water Stations:
Water stations can get a bit chaotic and crowded. Use caution when running into a water stop and make sure you're not cutting off other runners or spilling water on them. If you're going to stop or slow down to walk through the water stop, make sure there's not a runner behind you.
Keep Moving at the Finish:
Don't immediately stop at the finish line or in the chute. There will be runners coming in right behind you, so keep going until it is safe to come to a stop.
Don't Be a Glutton:
Don't take more than your fair share of food and drinks at the finish line. The back of the pack runners will appreciate it when there are still enough goodies for them at the end.
More to follow...
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
The Parade Run wants you!
This means YOU~
The Walker, the runner, the race-walkers and those that run/walk!
Everyone is timed whether you run, walk, skip or hop. Age group awards will be 3 deep and everyone can qualify for an award. Anyone still out on the course once the actual parade starts will have to move to the sidewalk as those floats can be pretty big!
Registration is still available on-line at the following address:
Please e-mail Lance for any questions or if you wish to volunteer.
Come and see how far that you have come in just 10 weeks!
Volunteers are needed:
If you are not running the Parade Run or Abe's Amble (due to an injury, etc...), please plan to join us as a volunteer on Thursday, August 13 (Parade Run) and/or Sunday, August 23 (Abe's Amble). Volunteers are also needed for packet pick-up the day before the races. If you ARE running the Parade Run or Abe's, how about your family and friends volunteering for the race as a way to show their support for you on the course? We need over 100 volunteers to make Abe's run smoothly, so we can certainly use your assistance.
Volunteering is a fabulous way to see how things come together for these events.If you would like to volunteer, or have someone who would like to volunteer, just e-mail
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
Week 10:
Practice 10K (6.2 miles)!
Meet at the fairgrounds.
See previous post.
Tuesday (August 4):
Cross train
Wednesday (August 5):
P-2-2.5 miles
C-3-3.5 miles
Thursday (August6):
P-2.5-3 miles
C-3.5-4 miles
*One week until the 2 mile Parade Run*
Friday (August 7):
Saturday (August 8):
P-4.5 miles
C-6 miles
Sunday (August 9):
C-Cross train
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Reminder: Everyone is to meet at the Fairgrounds for the practice 10K!
Everyone is to meet at the Fairgrounds for our practice run on the actual Abe's Amble course.
Please park in Lot 21, and walk over to the Commodities Pavilion across the street from the Grandstand.
You can run your own pace for the practice 10k or stay with your group. Since this will be set up as an actual race and with all the people on the course we can let everyone run at their own pace. Groups may run together if they wish but definitely try and run your own race. Leaders may also stay with their group if they wish.
Remember to be respectful of traffic:
Remember to stay to the left side of the road as you want to be able to see the traffic coming towards you and do not run more than 2 abreast. We continue to see groups running the entire length of the road! If you do see a car coming towards you or hear a car behind you, please notify the other runners by yelling "car up or car back." With the great crowds we have this year safety and courtesy are extremely important.
Please be mindful of the Rules of the Road so that we can all be safe together.
Volunteers are still needed to assist with the water stations! Grab your family and have them cheer everyone on as they help pass out water.
There will be 3 water stations:
1) Entrance of Lincoln Park
2) Black Street
3) War Memorial in the cemetery
We will ask runners to try and drop your used cups in a trash can. Please be considerate and do not string them all over the neighborhood, park and cemetery.
Congratulations! That finish line is getting closer!
Saturday, August 01, 2009
"Get the water in your mouth, not down your shirt."