Volunteers are needed to man 3 water stations on August 3 for the 6.2 (10K) Abe's Army practice run.
*Water station set up:
1) Entrance to Lincoln Park
-This station serves as two stops – 6 volunteers for this stop.
-Volunteers are asked to bring rakes to clean up the dropped water cups and bag them.
-This station serves as two stops – 6 volunteers for this stop.
-Volunteers are asked to bring rakes to clean up the dropped water cups and bag them.
2) Black Street
Back Hill Road heading to Lincoln Park –
-This station serves as two stops – 6 volunteers for this stop.
-Volunteers are asked to bring rakes to clean up the dropped water cups and bag them.
Back Hill Road heading to Lincoln Park –
-This station serves as two stops – 6 volunteers for this stop.
-Volunteers are asked to bring rakes to clean up the dropped water cups and bag them.
3) War Memorial
-This is a onetime station - 3 volunteers needed.
-Volunteers are asked to bring rakes to clean up the dropped water cups and bag them.
-This is a onetime station - 3 volunteers needed.
-Volunteers are asked to bring rakes to clean up the dropped water cups and bag them.
Table, trash cans, water and cups will be set up at each location. Volunteers will have water ready for runners as they pass. Runners can grab a cup from the table and move to the side of the water stop. There will be trash cans at each stop for runners to deposit cups.
We will ask runners to drop their cups in the trash can and please do not string them all over the neighborhood, park and cemetery.
The volunteers will bring table and supplies back to the fairgrounds after the last runner/walker leaves their location. I will be at the fairgrounds to receive the supplies and work water at the end of the race and whatever else is needed.
Diana Nevitt
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