Sunday, May 31, 2009
June 1 Run
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What happens tomorrow?
The first night, the privates will run, run/walk, or walk two small loops in Lincoln park. Each loop is approximately 8/10 of a mile (1.6 miles total). The first loop is to get you warmed up so don't go out to fast (save some for the next loop). After the first loop, we get to do it again. When you finish the second loop, you must enter the finish line shoot and receive a numbered, color coded, Popsicle stick. Stay in line in the shoot so that you are assigned into the correct group. Once you receive your Popsicle stick, look for the sergeant/ leader that is holding a sign that has your correct number/color. There will be 16 privates per group with 3 leaders.Anyone that does not enter the finish line shoot or can not complete the second loop will be entered into the last/slowest assigned group.
If you want to run with your friends/family, You MUST enter the finish line TOGETHER. This means that the faster runner/walker must stay with the slower runner/walker.
The corporals will meet and run at the fairgrounds for group placement.
Walkers and race walkers-you will be meeting at the Fairgrounds tomorrow night! This is a change from previous plans. See above posting.
If you are signed up to only WALK or are joining the RACE WALKING team, you will not participate in the group placement run. Once you get to the fairgrounds, look for the leaders who are holding the "Walkers" and "Race Walker" signs. You will meet with them and they will have a separate game plan for you that evening.
Packets will be available for pick-up from 5:00-5:45 pm at both Lincoln Park and at the Fairgrounds for those who missed orientation.
Privates will be meeting in Lincoln Park at the picnic shelter near the playground.
*Lincoln Park Privates~I strongly encourage everyone to arrive early as parking is limited. You will probably need to park some distance away so do allow for extra time.
Corporals will be meeting at the Commodities pavilion/Fairgrounds. Please park in Lot 21.
Remember to attach your road identification tag to your shoe! This removable id tag acts not only as your "ticket/entrance" into Abe's Army but should you require medical assistance, this identification will be valuable. It is essential to always carry some form of identification when running. Also, if you carry your keys on the run be sure to secure them in a pocket, tie them to your shoes, etc.
What happens if it rains?
If it is raining (but NOT lightening), we will run. If the weather is rainy and cool, a visor or hat and light rain jacket may keep you comfortable. Be sure to keep a towel, extra socks, etc. in your car for after Abe's Army.
Facebook Sites~
SRRC facebook page:
You can find up-to-date socials on the SRRC facebook social page:
Road Runners Club of America:
Gear Gals which is put together by the Editors of FootTrails. FootTrails is the monthly newsletter for the Springfield Road Runners Club.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wow! What a great turnout last night. Looks like we are going to have a fabulous 2009 Army!
A recap of what to expect on Monday will be posted soon...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom for the New Runner
Congratulations on committing to a sport of frustration and complete self-gratification! Your team leaders have collected valuable pieces of information throughout the years from personal experience, advice handed down from fellow runners, and lots of reading.
These tips have been proven over and over again. Try to incorporate a few of these tips into your training.
As we progress through our weeks of training, we will share information and experiences. This handout was prepared with the idea of removing the anxiety from your first day of training. Sit back, relax, and don’t worry because we have it covered for you! You did the hardest part by signing up and making the commitment to run!
Quote from the ‘Penguin’ - (John Bingham):
The miracle isn’t that I finished, the miracle is that I had the courage to start!
- We are a running/walking group. Our goal is to stay together, share ideas, build relationships, and encourage your fellow running partners.
- Keep It Simple. Don’t try to be an Olympic athlete your first time on the road. You are here to learn proper techniques and to have fun!
- Allow yourself time to wrap your mind and body around this physical activity and allow yourself to adjust. With practice you will accomplish your goal of running 6.2 miles at the end of the program.
- You joined a group to meet new people and hopefully to continue this activity. Music is a nice tool to use when running alone but interferes when running with a group. It is difficult to hear advice and it decreases the opportunities to become acquainted with your fellow running partners.
- Practice, Practice, Practice. An outline is provided to all runners to accomplish the goal of running 6.2 miles at the end of 13 weeks. This is accomplished through weekly practice. Do the short and long runs (on your own or with a buddy) and come prepared to tackle the group runs. The more prepared you are during the week, the more enjoyable the group runs will be.
Hydration and Eating
There are many opinions on how to hydrate, when to hydrate, and how much. The truth is that it varies with each individual, but here are some tested methods that we want to pass along:
- Drink during the course of the day and DO NOT leave hydration until an hour before the run. You will know if you are totally hydrated when your urine is pale in color and not yellow.
Hydrating your body will allow the body to perform well in heat.
Hydrating your body allows the muscles to work and minimizes cramping.
- Eat healthy. The food that is placed in your body will provide fuel during your run(s). Protein is as important to your body as carbohydrates are. A well-balanced eating plan of fruits, vegetables, protein and carbohydrates will be one of your strongest tools.
- Eat 20 minutes to 1 hour after a run. This does not have to be a nine course meal, but it can be something as simple as a banana. This simple eating after a run assists your body in its muscle recovery.
The Abe’s Army coordinators will discuss clothing and shoes. We would like to ask each member of our team to add one special item to their shopping list; “Sports Glide.” Sports Glide may be purchased at any sporting store such as Dick’s Sporting or the Running Center. It comes in a container that looks like deodorant and is used in a similar way. It helps prevent blisters and chafing.
Suggestions By: Abe’s Army 2009
Lisa Mattingly, Diana Nevitt, and Cindy Saxby
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Quote of the Day~
~Priscilla Welch, masters marathoner
Monday, May 25, 2009
Orientation and packet pick up this Thursday, May 28th for leaders and recruits!
Leaders, it would be great if you could also stay and attend the recruit orientation!
Recruit orientation will follow at 6:30 pm.
Included in your packets will be your Abe's Army T-shirt, your smart ID tag, your running log, and lots of running information. Come and meet some of the leaders and get your questions answered. Topics included in this orientation will be on running safety, running etiquette, communication, how the Army works, and much more.
The orientation will be held in the Dove Conference Center which is located in the Prairie Heart Institute (which is connected to St. John's Hospital), 619 E. Mason Street. Parking is available across the street in the St. John's Hospital/Prairie Heart Institute/Mason Street parking ramp and on nearby streets.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Leader Assignments~
Please click on link to view sergeant assignments.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Regarding headphones~
However, the Abe's Army policy regarding the use of headphones is necessary for all participants to get the most out of their training - and to allow the volunteers to lead in the safest and most effective way possible. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Let the power of the group guide your Monday evening Abe's Army training runs.
Mary Rogers
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Looking for..
We are still in need of a few more leaders for the all walking groups. If you would like to change to an all walk group please let us know or if you know someone who would like to sign up to lead an all walk group.
It's also not to late to sign up as a run leader. All you need to do is fill out the paper application and mail it to Mary Rogers before orientation. You will also need to email your information to Karen Flather at
Thanks for volunteering as we would not be successful without your help!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Welcome to the 2009 Abe's Army~
~Abe's Army membership has reached a record level of 525 registrants! (Our maximum number has always been 400)! This will be quite a group! Over 85 dedicated leaders will be there to share this wonderful accomplishment with you.
~SRRC memberships tops 1,300 this year - WOW! That really says a lot about the commitment of the Springfield community to the sport of running and to the social and health aspects of belonging to such a wonderful group!
~If you are at the opening day of the Farmer's Market tomorrow (May 16th) look for the Springfield Road Runners Club/Springfield Bike Club/ St. John's AthletiCare booth from 8-10am. Come and meet Barb Bonansinga, the Club's President and let us welcome you.
We are excited for another great year in the ARMY - remember, to stay tuned for updated information on the Abe's Army blog.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Got Bike?

The Planning Commission has teamed up with several organizations and has issued a challenge to employers in Sangamon County to encourage employees to leave their cars at home on Bike to Work Day, May 15, 2009 and instead bike, walk, run, or take the bus to work. The commute time is a great opportunity to get exercise, save some money, and reduce negative impacts on the environment.
Bikers can stop by Grab-A-Java (1702 S. 6th St. or 3115 Hedley Rd.) to cool down at one of their water stations and pick up a coupon for a free cup of coffee. Cafe Moxo (411 E. Adams) will also be offering a free cookie to anyone biking to work who brings their helmet into the restaurant with them.