Wow! What a great turnout tonight. Looks like we are going to have a fabulous summer!
Please be sure and post any questions or comments.
Any feedback regarding the orientation would be greatly appreciated. Example~length of orientation, material covered, etc...
I missed the meeting tonight. Where can I get my packet? Thanks!
My packet didn't have the training log in it. Can I print one from the website?
You can pick up your packet next Tuesday night before the start of the run. You should arrive at least 15 minutes early so that you will be ready to run at 5:45.
Private packets will be at Lincoln park. Corporal packets will be at the fairgrounds.
I will see if I can get an email copy of the log. Send me your email address and I will forward it to you.
If not, we will have available logs next Tuesday and I will be posting the workouts each week on the blog.
Holly, I just wanted to say I appreciate your OCD and keeping this current/up to date!! Thanks so much for your time on this
I'm classified as a corporal, but not sure I'm up to the schedule...should I downgrade myself for the first week's run? Or should I stick to the classification for week 1 and see how it goes? Thanks.
I did not have a road identification tag in my bag.
How do I get one?
Karen de Castro
We will have extra identification tags on Tuesday night.
Quick question- the shirt that was issued to us last night can we use it to train in? Will there be another one given to us before the actual run? I just didn't want to wear it and get it all icky before the big race. Thanks. I know it is a silly question.
Good question! The shirt you received last night is for the training runs and any other run you want to wear it for this summer. We encourage all sergeants, privates, and corporals to wear their shirts at the Tuesday night training runs. That makes it easy for us to identify who is with our groups and for you to find the leaders when you have questions and need assistance. You will receive another shirt at the end of training for participating in the Abe's Amble race. For those of you who are new racers, an experienced runner will never wear a new shirt they've never worn before in a race because you aren't sure whether it will rub on the seams or handle the heat well. Most runners prefer to put this shirt on AFTER the race to show off the accomplishment!
If you can easily run 3 miles than by all means give the corporals a try this Tuesday. Don't worry about adding the mileage this early.
It does usually take a few weeks to find out where everyone belongs. We expect people to move up and down so either places are a great place to start.
Either group will look forward to having you and remember the schedule/log book is just a guide.
Talk to your sergeants/leaders after the runs the next few Tuesdays!
I copied one so I'm good to go now. Thanks!
Holly - after last nights meeting I am very interested in learning the race/walk technique. What do I need to do to join up with this group?
Just ask for Brent's race/walk group Tuesday night at Lincoln Park.
In all the excitement Tuesday night I seem to have missed this inportant piece of information - do I write my name on the front or back of my shirt? :-)
Usually the front but having it also on the back is great so that the runners behind you can address you if needed. One can also get creative by visiting any craft store. Last year, I wrote out my name in rhinestones. Gotta have some "bling" :)
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