It was a beautiful day for a race with cooler temps and the sun stayed behind the clouds for most of the race.
It was awesome to see all the people running through the cemetery...and it was great to be a part of a wonderful bunch of volunteers who make this race possible.
Over the years, I have seen that Abe's Army creates many friendships and has been the genesis for lifestyle changes (for the better) for many, many people.
Keep it up...pick out a goal race (maybe the Frostbite 10 miler in December) and keep the running going. You are now a full-fledged member of the local running community.
And keep the Half Wits half marathon training in mind...we'll begin in January.
Congrats again!
I had a rocking good time. This year was awesome!
A big thanks to the everyone involved in making it a huge success.
SRRC and the community are the best!
You can find race results now at www.onlineraceresults.com
It was a thrill to be a part of Abe's Amble, and I can't decide which felt better--crossing the finish line under my goal time or watching my friends cross the finish line. Sunday was just a great day.
And Abe's Army was even better this year than it was last year! Everyone involved did a great job, especially considering the unique challenges we faced all summer!
Looking forward to next year.
This was my first year being a leader for Abes Army. What a wonderful experience to help people enjoy the sport of running and meet new friends. Thanks to all the organizers Jan, Linda, Tim and Joe for making this such a huge community success. Many lives have been changed in a positive way.
Be sure to check out the Journal-Register editorial on Abe's Army:
Barry, I checked out the link, thanks for posting. Nice try in disguising yourself with your comment at the end. You arent that type of runner, you are my partner in crime. "KEEP IT STRONG!!!"
BTW, Jeremy (Sub60Striders) posted a link on his site covering the Abes Amble run from the Monday's edition:
Check out the other comments at the end as well. Was it coincedence they posted another article on Abe's Army...hmmmmmm
Tim B...is DA MAN!!!
No matter how hard I try, Chuck, I can NEVER fool you!
It's great the local newspaper is finally recognizing local runners (even the fat ones) who are out there training to find out just how much they can really do. And recognizing Tim B for the Group Running Guru that he really is!
Of course, how can you NOT love and thank Jan and Linda! They did an awesome job organizing Abe's Army!!
But let's not forget about Ronda Schappaugh!!! Please note that she did an incredible amount of "behind the scenes" work to get this years Abe's race together.
Thank you Ronda!!! Without your dedication and hard work, All 1,000 and plus SMILING runners would not have had a great time on such a PERFECT day!!!
You're awesome Ronda!!!! :):):)
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