Running safely should be on the mind of every runner each time you head out the door. Unfortunately, the iPod or mp3 player has become a common piece of equipment for many runners. But the sad truth is that safety and music from headphones don’t go together. Many runs for Abe’s Army take place on open streets where runners share the space with cars, trucks, bicycles , buses and other vehicles. For your safety and to help you learn the best practices in running, headphones and music are not allowed in Abe’s Army. We need all runners to be able to hear their sergeants’ instructions, communicate with the other runners in the group, and be attentive to noise and traffic around them. We cross several intersections, run on winding and hilly streets, and are constantly shouting out directions and encouragement to all the runners. Help us keep you and your fellow runners safe! Please observe this rule throughout the program. You’ll have a much better running experience learning to run with others and you’ll learn the vigilance of running safely by monitoring the activity and noise around you.
I use an iPod but the volume is down very low. I like to hear what's going on around me for safety reasons so I understand. However, I also need that music to give me motivation and help me continue sometimes. This is disappointing to me. I think this is a decision best left to each individual participant.
I agree I believe that headphones should be optional and left up to the discretion of each individual runner. Headphones left on a low volume should not deter any ability to hear direction from leaders or traffic. Additionally, music can be a great motivator.
The banning of headphones is about safety and is being enforced though out the states.
Wow this does sound like the army! They are not banning IPODS race day are they?? That would stink. Doesn't everyone sign a waiver so if one chooses to run in jeopardy it is the responsibility of the runner not Abes Army. What next... no texting while running(lol)
Save the headphones for the gym or the treadmill, where there's no chance of getting flattened by a car.
Where is this being enforced? It's a liability issue. Have people sign waivers.
It is more than a liability issue. Abe's Army was not allowed access to the cemetery last year due to the behavior of some of the runners. There were complaints to the coordinator about runners refusing to get out of the way of cars in both the cemetery and in Lincoln Park. Almost without exception, the offenders were wearing headphones and had "tuned out" and were unable to hear verbal warnings. Most people, like the posters above, are responsible, but unfortunately, some are not so careful.
I don't like the idea of EVERYONE being punished for the few knuckleheads that ignored cars and etc... It should be a individual right to wear or not wear headphones.
I am with you Taurus. Leave it up to common sense not enforcement! Why don't we ban radio in cars then. See my point. If you want liability issues - how about having a first time runner - overweight - who has not been cleared by their doctor to do an intensive workout on steep hills in 90 degree weather. Again, see my point. Let common sense do the regulating.
I don't see why one cannot leave their IPOD at home for one night/one hour. You signed up to run with a group. How about meeting new people and talking to them...
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