Tuesday, June 19, 2007


If you have not turned in a completed application, please do so asap. We need the info contained in the application to get you entered in the race.

Walkers are meeting in Lincoln Park from now on.

Changing Groups
Need to speed up, slow down? If the group you're in is not the right fit for you, remember to ask about switching to a different group.

Women's Distance Festival - July 14
Consider entering this fun-filled 2 mile race. It's held in Washington Park and is a great first time race. Applications are in the newsletter, on the SRRC.net website, or pick one up from the "box" at Abe's Army each week.

Safety First
When you're out running, please stay to the left side of the road and run against traffic. If a car is coming through, call out "car back" and move out of the way quickly.

Other Announcements and Handouts
Check the box each week (on the bench where Jan gives the announcements). Jan has a variety of handouts, pamphlets and information sheets that may be of interest to you.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Another announcement~
If anyone would like to join Group 23~"The Cougars", after our run next Tuesday, we are meeting at the Field House for a refreshing beverage of choice.
Check out our blog for further information.